Do you wish to become a good research writer? For this, you have to ask a question from yourself. What steps do you ensure to become one among top expert writers? Suppose you answer by saying that I work hard. Then there will be another question; is hard work enough for becoming a good research writer? If you ask me this question, my answer will be “No”. Hard work is a good thing, but it’s not enough for achieving success.
Now you might be thinking that if hard work isn’t enough, what should I do? You have to follow the food steps of experts in the field. It is better to learn from the experiences of others. When you observe the experts’ lives, you’ll notice that they don’t simply rely only on hard work. They have some habits that differentiate them from the others. New writers should adopt the habits of experts. They not only make them good writers, but also experts in the field. Here at NEFIC, we have shared habits of expert writers that can help you become an expert in the field. Let’s take a closer look at these habits now;
Write Daily:
Expert writers have the routine of writing daily. They don’t beak their routine for any reason. They don’t wait for the motivation to start working either. They write because they consider it as their job. Research writing is not a hobby for them. In this case, I have a question for you. What is research writing for you? It is your hobby, or do you consider it your job? If it’s your hobby, then you should whatever you want to. In this situation, nobody will ask how much writing you’ve done in a day. But if you consider it your job, and you’re passionate about research writing, things will be different. In this case, you’ll have to write as an expert on daily basis. This is important because it generates many new ideas. In short, you have to adopt this habit of experts to become a good writer. Because daily practice will lead to you towards effective results.
Exclude Distraction:
According to a dissertation writing service, expert writers have a habit of excluding all kinds of distractions while writing. If you want to become a good writer, you have to work without distraction. Do you think you exclude distraction while having the mobile phone next to your laptop? It is not easy for humans to focus on one thing at a time because we get distracted easily. The human mind starts diverting from work. For the same reason experts never suggest you to work for long hours without breaks. They suggest you to work in small sessions. But they also advise the exclusion of any and all distractions during those times. Experts take frequent breaks while doing their work. This is because frequent breaks strengthen their focus on work. You can become a good research writer by working on this habit of experts. You can take breaks, but while working, don’t allow anything to distract you.
Write Anywhere:
Expert writers always carry a notebook with them. They don’t miss the ideas that pop up in their minds. Many times you observe that you get great ideas, but you fail to note them. You plan to incorporate those when you start writing. But when you start with the writing process, you may not remember that idea. Expert writers don’t do such mistakes. They note every key idea as it comes to their minds.
Remember that ideas are important, don’t allow them to flow away. If Roald Dahl allowed the idea to flow away, we might’ve never watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. He was stuck in the traffic when he got this idea. But he didn’t wait till he reached home to note it down. So you have to make the habit of carrying a notebook. Try to note every idea that comes to your mind. It is better to record the idea by writing it down. Otherwise, you may never get it back from the abyss of your memories.
Make Your Plan:
Expert writers don’t rely only on hard work only. This is because they know the importance of doing smart work. They have the habit of planning before they start with the writing process. It enables them to work in a better way. Their work is more engaging because they design the structures. Many novice researchers are in a hurry of writing. They think that this hurry saves their time. They want to complete the work as soon as possible. But without a good structure, they are not able to do so. Hence, researchers have to adopt a habit of making plans before they start writing.
Stay Healthy:
Expert writers don’t compromise on their health. They know that they cannot get good ideas without a sound mind. So they take care of their body to keep their mind fresh. Sitting a whole day in front of the screen is not good for your health. Experts realise this fact, so they exercise daily. They go for daily walks to get some fresh air. Morning walks make the experts energetic so that they can manage their work. Taking care of health is important for generation of new ideas as well. New researchers should also follow this habit. Otherwise, a hectic schedule will end up affecting their health. Bad status of health might affect their creativity levels too. In these situations, they won’t be able to think of new ideas for research writing. The worst effect of bad health is that you might not be able to continue your writing career for a long time.
Every researcher wants to become an expert in his/her field. He/she also does a lot of hard work to become an expert. But unfortunately, they don’t add important knowledge within this field. It is because they rely only on hard work. New researchers have to adopt the habits of experts to become successful. Expert writers ensure writing on a daily basis. They don’t allow anything to distract them. They also carry a notebook to note any ideas that they get. They don’t simply start writing before structuring the draft either. Moreover, they also take care of their health. Novice researchers can also become experts in the future by following the habits that they have.